Here you can have a look at some of Jannike´s interactions with the media, mostly paper magazines. Radiointerviews and every single website, blogs etc. are not featured here since they are too many. For more frequent updates, check out Jannike´s official Facebook page or Instagram.
Västra Nyland
May 2015
The westcoast local paper Västra Nyland interviewed Jannike for a full spread about her career and the future!
May 2015
One of the largest daytime-papers in Ostrobothnia wrote a great story about Jannike where she had the chance to speak about her ostrobothnian roots.
May 2015
Jannike shared some very personal stuff about her life in Sana-lehti in May 2015.
May 2015
Jannike was the guest in Studio Hbl talking about her career and the new release Into the Sun. Click on the picture to watch the video!
City & Archipelago News
April 2015
The free magazine City & Archipelago News wrote a short thing about the release of Hallowed Ground.
Tha magazine did another story about Jannike in April 2014 close to the release of "I don´t believe in Fairy tales". Jannike was on the cover of that issue.
January 2015
Ilta-Sanomat noticed Jannike´s interesting backgroundstory for Hallowed Ground and released the video on their own videosite next to an article.
You can read it here.
July 2014
The local paper from the Ã…land Islands did an interview with Jannike after her gig at the famous festival Rockoff! Jannike performed before Linda Bentzing and E-type.
April 2014
Jannike was featured in the City & Archipelag News -magazine with a 2 page-story and was also the covergirl for this issue.
Puoli Kaupunkia
February 2014
The paper "Puoli Kaupunkia" wrote a story on Jannike´s feelings about being her own boss right after the release of "I don´t believe in Fairy tales".